Have a wooden card printed with a print and a nice text of your choice. A card is always nice to receive, it lets the people around you know that you have thought about them. But receiving a card is even more fun if the print is completely personal. At Bulbby you can now print a text and a print of your own choice on the front of the card.
Designing the wooden card is very simple. Do you want to send a card to a child who has just passed his/her exams? Then choose the print with the graduation hat. Do you want to send a recovery card to a loved one who is currently sick and needs to be brightened up? Then choose the card with the flowers. You can also personalize your own card for a birthday, the birth of a baby and other moments. Click on the matching print, fill in the text fields, choose the printing colors and you're done with the design!
The card is made of wood. This makes it a super sturdy and original card that can remain in the cupboard for a longer time if the recipient likes that. In addition to the fact that this product is a card, it is also fun as an accessory!
Of course you can send the card as a separate surprise to someone, but you can also choose to add the card to a gift that you have ordered. That makes a nice set. Get started right away in the design tool with your own personal wooden card!
Product features
- Size: 10,5 x 14,5 cm
- Material: wood
- Suitable for different moments